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10 Minutes of strenuous workout in a week enough to increase longevity of life

According to a new study only performing 10 minutes of strenuous physical activity every week can improve and extend your life. Even a low-intensity workout done for a short time period can have a great impact on your health. Here is some fitness equipment I bought from However, doing just 10 minutes of workout every week (that takes even lesser time than performing some of your daily routines) posing a positive impact on your health, still steals the show. Although the federal physical activity guidelines state otherwise that is at least performing 75 minutes of vigorous cardiovascular exercise or 150 minutes spent in moderate aerobic exercise is a must to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the 10-minute-workout rumor still remains in the background controversy.

A professor and epidemiologist, however, stated that any dose of physical activity can have a great effect on human health. According to the research reports taken from a survey conducted among 88,000 citizens of the US from 1997 to 2007, spending as less as 10 minutes of time in performing some of the bodily activities can increase your lifespan. As the survey conducted by the National Health interview, the participants aged from 40 years to 85 years without any chronic diseases and were observed for almost 9 years of time.

Around 8000 of the participants died within the research time span yet studies showed that any amount of physical activity reduced the risk of a person dying from any cardiovascular disease, cancer, or any other serious cause. The reduction in the potential risk has motivated many people to exercise regularly which will now further prevent obesity, which is one of the important links to cancer.

The people who lead a sedentary lifestyle have 18 percent higher chances of dying an early death in comparison to people who spend 10 minutes to 59 minutes of moderate-intensity workout performed in a week. The data showed these moderately active people had 12 percent lower chances of suffering from any cardiovascular disease and 14 percent lower chances of dying from cancer.

During the study period, people with various active time periods were observed. The ones performing 60 minutes to 149 minutes of physical activity had reduced the chances of dying early by 22 percent. While the ones being active from 150 minutes to 299 in a week had reduced health problems by 31 percent and the super active ones from 300 – 449 minutes lowered their health risks by 33 percent.

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