30-Second Summary
- Defining menopause belly fat and distinguishing its associated risks.
- There are 7 ways to beat menopausal belly fat. These are the following:
Switch to a Low-Calorie Diet
Eat Fewer Carbs to Boost Your Metabolic Rate
Add More Nutrients To Your Diet
Cut Down on Alcohol or Go for Low-Carb Drinks
Try Resistance Training and HIIT
Don’t Neglect Your Sleeping Schedule
Eliminate Stress with Yoga & Mindfulness
- Supplements containing potent natural ingredients can help alleviate menopause symptoms.
Understanding Menopause Belly Fat and Its Associated Risks
Menopause is a natural hormonal transition in every woman’s life, beginning around the age of 45. The start of menopause is marked by the absence of the menstrual cycle, and along with it, the end of female reproduction.
Menopause has high implications at a hormonal, physical, and psychological level, as menopausal women learn to adapt to the new changes occurring in their bodies.
One of the first signs of menopause is the “menopause belly” – an abdominal fat accumulation caused by the declining levels of the sex hormone called estrogen.
Extended research indicates that estrogen receptors are responsible for regulating many aspects of glucose and lipid metabolism. When the metabolic system is disturbed, it can lead to the development of metabolic syndrome closely associated with higher cardiovascular risk, diabetes, myocardial infarction, and elevated cholesterol.
The prevalence of obesity increases significantly in American women after they reach age 40; the prevalence reaches 65% between 40 and 59 years and 73.8% in women over the age of 60[1].
7 Tips to Deal with Menopausal Belly Fat
Menopause belly is a reality for millions of women around the world, entering their 40s or 50s. In menopausal women, belly fat is stubborn to get rid of and it demands a full weight management program with real diet and lifestyle changes and a rigorous weight loss workout plan.
Read on to learn about self-care for menopause tips and the 7 ways to beat menopausal belly fat.
- Switch to a Low-Calorie Deficit Diet. Any lifestyle change should start with a dietary modification. As our metabolism begins slowing down with age, it is mandatory to review daily calorie intake.
To maintain a healthy weight, moderately active women aged 25-50 should consume approx. 2000 calories per day, while average healthy women over 60 are recommended between 1600 – 2000 calories per day[2].
If you are looking to cut the excess tummy fat, you need to lower your calorie consumption. A low-calorie deficit, healthy diet still needs to be rich in nutrients that come from fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat, and fish. However, watch out for excessively restrictive diets that leave you energy drained, frustrated, and with a pang of constant hunger.
- Eat Fewer Carbs to Boost Your Metabolic Rate. A smart low-calorie dietary plan looks like this: fewer carbs, more proteins. We all know that high carbohydrate-based food like sweets, alcohol, rice, potatoes, pasta, bread, and pastry goods are bad for our metabolism.This happens because carbs digest glucose, raising insulin levels and insulin resistance. When insulin is high, you store fat more easily. When insulin is low, our bodies excess fat storage and burn energy instead.
A clinical study on the effects of a low carbohydrate diet observes that low-carb meal plans increase metabolism and fat burning by between 200 and 500 calories per day.
- Add More Nutrients to Your Diet. To stay healthy and maintain a moderate weight, menopausal women should consider consuming more nutrients, either in the form of food or as supplements. Make sure you include in your diet more of the following:
Fiber – for bowel-related issues such as constipation and diverticulitis[3].
Calcium and vitamin D – to keep bones strong and healthy as you age.
Vitamin B12 – plays an essential role in the production of red blood cells and DNA, but due to aging, B12 deficiency becomes more common.
Iron – fights against deficiency and anemia, more common in the elderly.
- Cut Down on Alcohol or Go for Low-Carb Drinks. Not many people realize it, but alcoholic beverages are rich in calories. Alcohol calories are also named “empty calories” because they bring no real nutrients to the body.
Most alcoholic drinks have around 100 calories per serving, up to even 500 calories when it comes to mixed cocktails.
Carbs and calories found in alcohol can slow down any weight loss process, especially when it comes to menopausal women trying to get rid of the stubborn belly fat.
If you still want to have the occasional drink or two and not sabotage your diet plan, watch out for high-calorie alcohol drinks and choose lighter versions, if possible[4]:
- Champagne or sparkling wine– 95 calories/serving
- Dry wine– red or white – 120 calories/serving
- Vodka & Soda– 115 calories/serving
- Whiskey– 115 calories/serving
- Dry Martini– 115 calories/serving
- Work Those Abdominal Muscles. No real lifestyle change is complete without a rigorous weight loss workout plan.
A great way to reduce the appearance of the menopausal belly is to strengthen the muscles supporting the core. We know that muscles are metabolically active, and the loss of this tissue is more frequent in the elderly.
Try out these great core exercises for belly support and toning the muscles[5]:
Front and side planks
Reverse crunches
Medicine ball twists
Transverse exercises
- Don’t Neglect Your Sleeping Schedule. In your self-care for menopause practices, you should pay more attention to the sleeping schedule. A regulated and consistent sleeping habit is very important because it decreases cortisol and reduces insulin resistance, which favors weight loss[6].
If you’re finding it hard to get your minimum 7-8 sleep hours of sleep during menopause, here are a few helpful proven tips:
Pay attention to your caffeine intake during the day
Use natural sleep aids like melatonin and lavender
Turn off electronic devices an hour before going to bed
Take a hot bath or shower before bedtime
Practice 5 minutes of complete meditation
- Eliminate Stress with Yoga & Mindfulness. Recent studies demonstrate an association between uncontrollable stress and abdominal fat distribution.
In this study, 41 overweight women were assessed for their body’s response to stress-induced situations, showing that elevated levels of cortisol secretion may be responsible for increased abdominal fat.
One of the simplest methods to combat stress and balance the endocrine and hormonal system during menopause is to practice yoga and mindfulness[7].
Research shows that yoga and meditation-based programs may improve overall menopausal and vasomotor symptoms, favor mood and sleep, and reduce musculoskeletal pain.
Can Supplements Reduce the Negative Effects of Menopause?
In addition to diet and exercising, dietary supplementation may help reduce the unpleasant effects of menopause such as weight gain, hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, or changes in libido.
Studies on the influence of probiotics in menopausal women indicate that probiotic administration reduces inflammation in the body, helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and fights early signs of depression and anxiety[8].
Today, you can easily find and purchase top-rated menopause supplements based on probiotic blends that offer women the support they need in alleviating menopause symptoms.
One such product is Amberen, a natural energy and management supplement. It promises to also burn excess fat tissues.
Amberen is a powerful mix of three thermogenic probiotics (L. Gasseri, B. Breve, and B. Lactis) and plant-based ingredients (turmeric, moringa leaf, curry leaf, Bioperine, and sunflower lecithin) that aim to improve digestion, impact fat and calorie absorption by managing cravings, balance and boost immunity, promote cardiac health, and enable higher nutrition absorption.
Menopause belly can be tackled down with the right diet and exercise strategies, along with other good practices of self-care, mental discipline, and improved sleep routine[9].
Add natural vitamins and probiotics to your efforts to boost metabolism and prevent menopause weight gains. Many top-rated menopause supplements are non-prescription and non-hormonal products formulated to alleviate menopausal symptoms.
If you are finding menopausal symptoms distressing, make sure you consult with your clinical physician first.
- https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2014/757461/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499909/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31346801/
- https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000886.htm
- https://aaptiv.com/magazine/menopause-belly
- https://eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2021-03/tes-sdm031621.php
- https://www.artofliving.org/us-en/menopause-belly-fat-and-other-issues-how-yoga-and-ayurveda-can-help
- https://www.healthwebmagazine.com/mental-wellbeing/functioning-depression-and-anxiety/
- https://www.verywellhealth.com/study-shows-how-to-stay-slim-after-menopause-3973820
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